
Friday, February 22, 2013

Qaswida kutoka Uingereza - Allahu Allahu

Remake and translation by Talib Al-Habib, of the original Allahu Allahu Nasheed. He did a fantastic job and has a beautiful voice Mashallah! Below is his picture and profile that I nabbed from the Nasheed Shop.
Talib al-Habib was born in London in 1976 and grew up in Manchester, before moving to South Africa for a ten-year stay. It was here that he met his spiritual guide and began traversing the path of traditional Islam under his instruction. He later returned to the UK in early 2002.

His distinctive style of inshad arises from a ten-year childhood association with the Manchester Boy’s Choir, where he received vocal and technical training. He began composing spiritual poetry at the age of sixteen, and has continued to do so ever since. Talib has also authored three books on Islamic spirituality and ethics. All his projects are exclusively published and distributed by his record label, Nur al-Habib Productions, an emerging Islamic Media company set up in early 2004.

In early 2004, Talib was encouraged to compile a collection of English-language spiritual songs, which culminated in the critically acclaimed ‘Songs of Innocence.’ This intensely personal journey into the experiential dimensions of Islam has deeply affected many of those who have listened to it, and its subject matter has been described as, ‘love of Allah, His Messenger (s), one’s teacher, one’s family, and all of mankind.’ This has been followed up with his new album, ‘Rahma – Prophetic Wisdom for Young Hearts.’

Talib has been a student of the sacred sciences for several years, which he pursues both through the traditional method of sitting with a Shaykh, as well as through more contemporary approaches. ‘Talib al-Habib’ is a tallaqub (pen-name) meaning ‘seeker of the beloved.’ In addition to studying the Deen, Talib teaches several circles of religious sciences, and provides religious and social support to Muslim reverts. He practices as a Medical Doctor specialising in Psychiatry. Currently, he lives in the West Midlands with his wife and two daughters.

Ijumaa Njema!

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