
Monday, September 5, 2016

The Origins of Hajj - Chanzo cha Hajj

A lot of us have not gone to Hajj, if you ask us, a lot of times we feel like we are not ready. However, when you hear the stories of the historical events of the rituals you go through in Hajj, it is like being there and reliving history. I mean with air conditioning, trains and cars aside, we are living in the future after all, it is still rewarding. May Allah, grant us all the opportunity to experience this history. The video below talks about the Story of the family of Nabii Ibrahim, whom is the Prophet that we re-enact his life events in 2016.
I wish all our eager Hajj goers a wonderful Hajj, May Allah bless your journey and ease your trials.

Wengi wetu hatujaenda Ku Hiji, ukituuliza mara nyingi tunasema hatuko tayari.  Lakini ukisikia hadithi za matukio ya enzi hizo ambayo sasa hivi imekuwa mila tunazofata tukienda Kuhiji, ni kama ulikuwepo,  ile Siku hajar (Mwenyezi  Mungu Amrehemu) alivyo kuwa anahangaika na mwanae. Au ile siku Nabii Ibrahim(AS) alivyo kuwa anaenda kumchinja mwanae. Na apo mtu unaona maisha yako magumu wakati, wala huja pewa mtihani. Mwenyezi Mungu atujaalia wote tupate hii fursa ya kwenda ku experience Historia yake.
Nawatakia waenda Hija wote Haji Njema, Allah awa shushie baraka zake kwenye huu msafara na ayafanye majaribu yote mtakayo pata huko yawe mepesi.

The video below is a must watch, it is the story of Abraham.

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