
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can the prophet relate to you?

As Muslims we look at the prophet and how he lived his life, as an example of how he was able to overcome and deal with the most difficult situations. This article below by Reehab Ramadan; "He could Relate", talks about how he could relate to most of our situations.Interesting read indeed. 

Many times we may fall into thinking that Allah doesn’t love us because of the trials that we are put through, but as a mercy, Allah has sent us an example that we can emulate and an opportunity for us to relate to the Prophet ﷺ on many different levels through our trials. As we go through the life of the Prophet ﷺ and see the many hardships he endured we can begin to connect to him on a more personal level. We can see that he was human: when cut he would bleed, when put in difficult situations he would feel emotional pain – but regardless, he continued to strive in the way of Allah and kept his eye on the ultimate goal, pleasing Allah and entering Jannah.

The Prophet’s ﷺ  life began with a hefty trial. He entered into the world as an orphan. Not only is this hard in the general sense being that the lack of a father could affect his confidence and would undoubtedly effect the way he lived, but it was even more difficult because of the culture he was born into. He entered into a culture where lineage meant everything and orphans were dishonored. For anyone who started off life in a manner that was culturally unacceptable – be it a disability or a lineage issue – take comfort in the fact that our beloved ﷺ endured the same tribulations as you, and he overcame it by the will of Allah.

Without a father, our Prophet ﷺ only had his mother cling to. When he developed an emotional connection to her, and was old enough to remember his mother clearly, he then lost her to death as well. Imagine the emotional pain he must have felt – having already grown up without ever having contact with his own father, his mother was now gone as well. But he persevered and carried on with life. The other strong parental connection he made was with his grandfather. His grandfather loved him dearly and Prophet Mohammed ﷺ looked to him as a father figure. However, not long after his mother’s death, his grandfather passed away as well.

Have you ever lost a parent or even both parents? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.

Prophet Mohamed ﷺ continued to resiliently carry on. After the death of his grandfather, he went to live with uncle Abu Taalib and built a strong relationship with him that would be a vital aid to him in his years of calling to Islam.

When the Prophet ﷺ received the message and began to preach, he was faced with another great trial. He was ridiculed, taunted, and accused of being a mad man by many of his community members. These were people whom he once happily interacted with, shared joyous moments with, and simply lived life with.
Have you ever lost a child or been given the news that you will not be able to have children? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
At the time of the Prophet ﷺ, having male children was seen to be essential. Having daughters was a waste of money and sometimes even a shame. Men disliked it so much that they would take their young daughters and bury them alive, hoping that the next child their wife would bear would be a son. In the midst of all this, the Prophet ﷺ had no sons that lived passed childhood. His community had no sympathy towards him and would call him Abtaar (cut off). Imagine having lost a son who meant the world to you and not only having to put up with the internal grief of the loss, but also the community stigma and hurtful words. But still, he remained steadfast.
Have you, or someone you are close to, ever been accused of something you did not do? Has your name been blotched by false rumors and untruthful tongues? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
While the Prophet ﷺ was married to our Mother, Aisha radi Allahu ‘anha (may Allah be pleased with her), a heart-shaking occurrence took place. A man whom the father of Aisha supported and helped on a regular basis accused our beloved mother of a great sin and a great shame. Imagine, one of the most beloved people to you is accused of being unfaithful. Rumors spread about her, feelings were hurt, and hearts were shattered. Eventually her innocence was proven by a direct revelation from Allah, the most high, and her honor restored.
Have you had someone that you loved deeply return to Allah without having accepted the Message of Islam, no matter how hard you tried to convince them? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
Another great sadness in the life of the Prophet Mohammed ﷺ was the death of his beloved Uncle. It was not just the death of the Prophet’s uncle that was saddening, but the fact that this man that was so close to the Prophet ﷺ, passed away without accepting Islam and turning to Allah in full submission. The Prophet ﷺ tried hard to get him to accept Islam, but his pride and attachment to his forefather’s religion did not allow him to utter the words of acceptance before he returned to Allah.
Have you ever been turned away from those whom you love while only trying to benefit them? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
Humiliation, kicking out, physical hurt, verbal taunts, and so many other pains were inflicted upon the Prophet ﷺ throughout his life, making him a person we can relate to in almost every trial of our life. The above are just glimpses of the pains he felt in his life, yet he was always content, always at peace. His peace was internal, and bestowed upon him by As-Salam, the One who is 
peace and He who bestows peace. Often times we think, ‘I’ve been through so much – no one understands, no one can help me.’ Think again. The Prophet ﷺ went through so much in his life and continued to hold strong. He can relate to the pain and the heartbreak you are going through, he knew where to turn for help. He turned to Allah the most high. Take comfort in the fact that the Prophet ﷺ can relate to you. Follow his lead and turn to the only One who can bring everlasting peace, and have faith in the fact that this alone will relieve your pain.


1 comment:

  1. Masha'Allah! Well said! Allah's words are VERY TRUE when He said,"Wa-ma' arsalna'ka illa rahmatan Lil-alameen." We only sent you (O Prophet Muhammad) as a MERCY to all the worlds.
    If we do sincerely relate to the Prophet, then we will succeed Insha'Allah. He truly lived through many life challenges - and he succeeded. And that is why he was sent to us as a ROLE MODEL.
    Shukran Br. Suhaib.

