
Monday, June 4, 2018

Hadithi ya Leo - Taraweeh

Abu Hurairah alisema:
Mtume wa Allah (S.A.W) alikuwa akiwahimiza watu wa swali (Taraweh) salaa ya usiku wakati wa mwezi wa Ramadhani.
Hakuwa amrisha au kuifanya iwe ya ulazima kwao. Alisema, "yeyote atakae swali usiku wakati wa mwezi wa Ramadhani,
kwa imani na matumaini ya kupata malipo kutoka kwa Allah, atasamehewa madhambi yake yaliyopita.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to urge (the people) to perform (optional Tarawih) 
prayer at night during the month of Ramadan. He did not order them or make it obligatory on them. 
He (ﷺ) said, "Whosoever performs (optional Tarawih) prayers at night during the month of Ramadan, 
with Faith and in the hope of receiving Allah's reward, will have his past sins forgiven."

[Muslim - Book 9, hadith 1188].

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