
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ustadhi Ali Comorian Afariki Dunia

Sheikh Ali Mzee Bin Comorian ametutoka duniani. Sheikh alikuwa na madrasa yake ya kufundisha dini kwa watu wazima mtaa wa kariakoo, na ni mbunifu wa kaswida nyingi za dini hapa nyumbani. 
Mazishi yake yata fanyika kesho saa Nne(4) asubuhi, Mtaa wa Kariakoo na Likoma kwa Maalim Bahiya, na sala itafanyika msikiti wa makonde. 
Marehemu aacha mke.
Inna lillahi waina illahi rajiun. Mwenyezi Mungu amfungulie milango ya pepo, amrehemu na kumpa maghfira.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Pata Taarifa ya Habari ya mkoloni

PIKABOM PUPPET SHOW S02EP5 Habari ya mkoloni

Habari ndio hiyo!
Ijumaa Njema Wadau.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hadithi ya Yesu kwenye Qur'an

Hadithi ya Yesu ni moja ya hadithi ndefu sana kwenye Qur'an, ilibidi aongelewe zaidi ya ukurasa moja. Qur'an ilianza na mababu zake, familia ya Imran, mpaka kwa mama yake Mariam ikaishia kwake. Unapata na stori kidogo ya John the Baptist mwanzo wake. Hapa nimeku wekea mkusanyiko wa hadithi yake kutoka Suratul Al-Imran(Familia ya Imran), ukurasa wa 3 kwenye Qur'an aya 33-60, iliyo tafsiriwa na Sheikh Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani, mwenyezi Mungu amrehemu.

Kuzaliwa kwa Mariam

Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu alimteuwa Adam na Nuhu na ukoo wa Ibrahim na ukoo wa Imran juu ya walimwengu wote.Ni wazao wao kwa wao; na Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mwenye kusikia na Mwenye kujua. Alipo sema mke wa Imran: Mola wangu Mlezi! Nimekuwekea nadhiri kilichomo tumboni mwangu kuwa wakfu; basi nikubalie. Hakika Wewe ndiye Mwenye kusikia na Mwenye kujua. 

Basi alipo mzaa alisema: Mola wangu Mlezi! Nimemzaa mwanamke - na Mwenyezi Mungu anajua sana aliye mzaa - Na mwanamume si sawa na mwanamke. Na mimi nimemwita Maryamu. Nami namkinga kwako, yeye na uzao wake, uwalinde na Shet'ani aliye laaniwa.Tena Mola wake Mlezi akampokea kwa mapokeo mema na akamkuza makuzo mema, na akamfanya Zakariya awe mlezi wake.Kila mara Zakariya alipo ingia chumbani kwake alimkuta na vyakula. Basi alimwambia: Ewe Maryamu! Unavipata wapi hivi? Naye akasema: Hivi vinatoka kwa Mwenyezi Mungu; na Mwenyezi Mungu humruzuku amtakaye bila ya hisabu.

Pale pale Zakariya akamwomba Mola wake Mlezi, akasema: Mola wangu Mlezi! Nipe kutoka kwako uzao mwema. Wewe ndiye unaye sikia maombi.  Alipo kuwa kasimama chumbani akisali, Malaika kamnadia: Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu anakubashiria Yahya(John the Baptist), ataye kuwa mwenye kusadikisha neno litokalo kwa Mwenyezi Mungu, na ni bwana na mt'awa na Nabii kwa watu wema.Akasema Zakariya: Mola wangu Mlezi! Vipi nitapata mwana na hali ukongwe umenifikia, na mke wangu ni tasa? Akasema: Ndivyo vivyo hivyo, Mwenyezi Mungu hufanya apendavyo. Akasema: Mola wangu Mlezi! Niwekee alama. Akasema: Alama yako ni kuwa hutasema na watu kwa siku tatu, isipo kuwa kwa kuashiria tu. 

Na mdhukuru Mola Mlezi wako kwa wingi na mtakase jioni na asubuhi.Na angalia pale Malaika walipo sema: Ewe Maryamu! Kwa hakika Mwenyezi Mungu amekuteuwa, na akakutakasa, na akakutukuza kuliko wanawake wote.Ewe Maryamu! Mnyenyekee Mola Mlezi wako na usujudu na uiname pamoja na wainamao. Hizi ni khabari za ghaibu tunazo kufunulia; nawe hukuwa nao walipo kuwa wakitupa kalamu zao nani wao atamlea Maryamu, na hukuwa nao walipo kuwa wakishindana.

Kuzaliwa kwa Yesu

Na pale Malaika walipo sema: Ewe Maryamu! Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu anakubashiria (mwana) kwa neno litokalo kwake. Jina lake ni Masihi Isa mwana wa Maryamu, mwenye hishima katika dunia na Akhera, na miongoni mwa walio karibishwa (kwa Mwenyezi Mungu).Naye atazungumza na watu katika utoto wake na katika utuuzima wake, na atakuwa katika watu wema.Maryamu akasema: Mola wangu Mlezi! Vipi nitampata mwana na hali hajanigusa mwanaadamu? Mwenyezi Mungu akasema: Ndivyo vivyo hivyo, Mwenyezi Mungu huumba apendacho.Anapo hukumu jambo, huliambia: Kuwa! Likawa.

Na atamfunza kuandika na Hikima na Taurati na Injili.Na ni Mtume kwa Wana wa Israili kuwaambia: Mimi nimekujieni na Ishara kutoka kwa Mola Mlezi wenu, ya kwamba nakuundieni kwa udongo kama sura ya ndege. Kisha nampuliza anakuwa ndege kwa idhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu. Na ninawaponesha vipofu wa tangu kuzaliwa na wakoma, na ninawafufua maiti kwa idhini ya Mwenyezi Mungu, na ninakwambieni mnacho kila na mnacho weka akiba katika nyumba zenu. Hakika katika haya ipo Ishara kwenu ikiwi nyinyi ni wenye kuamini. Na ninasadikisha yaliyo kuwa kabla yangu katika Taurati, na ili nikuhalalishieni baadhi ya yale mlio harimishiwa, na nimekujieni na Ishara kutokana na Mola Mlezi wenu. Kwa hivyo mcheni Mwenyezi Mungu na nit'iini mimi.Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mola wangu Mlezi na ni Mola wenu Mlezi. Basi muabudni Yeye. Hii ndiyo Njia Iliyo Nyooka.

Isa alipo hisi kuwa kati yao pana ukafiri alisema: Nani wasaidizi wangu kwa Mwenyezi Mungu? Wanafunzi wake wakasema: Sisi ni wasaidizi wa Mwenyezi Mungu. Tumemuamini Mwenyezi Mungu, na shuhudia kwamba sisi hakika ni Waislamu.Mola wetu Mlezi! Tumeyaamini uliyo yateremsha, na tumemfuata huyu Mtume, basi tuandike pamoja na wanao shuhudia.Na Makafiri walipanga mipango na Mwenyezi Mungu akapanga mipango, na Mwenyezi Mungu ndiye mbora wa wenye kupanga.Pale Mwenyezi Mungu alipo sema: Ewe Isa! Mimi nitakutimizia muda wako wa kuishi(Hawatakuuwa hao maadui), na nitakunyanyua kwangu, na nitakutakasa na wale walio kufuru, na nitawaweka wale walio kufuata juu ya wale walio kufuru, mpaka Siku ya Kiyama. Kisha marejeo yenu yatakuwa kwangu, nikuhukumuni katika yale mliyo kuwa mkikhitalifiana.

Ama wale walio kufuru, nitawaadhibu adhabu kali katika dunia na Akhera, wala hawatapata wa kuwanusuru. Na ama wale walio amini na wakatenda mema basi Mwenyezi Mungu atawalipa ujira wao kaamili. Na Mwenyezi Mungu hawapendi madhaalimu.Haya tunayo kusomea ni katika Aya na Ukumbusho wenye hikima.Hakika mfano wa Isa kwa Mwenyezi Mungu ni kama mfano wa Adam; alimuumba kwa udongo kisha akamwambia: Kuwa! Basi akawa.Hii ni kweli itokayo kwa Mola wako Mlezi. Basi usiwe miongoni mwa wanao fanya shaka.

To get the english version of the same story, read my previous post here>>> 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Miji mikubwa iliyo anguka - Pompeii

Leo tuna tembelea Ulaya, specifically an ancient Roman town near Naples in the Italian Region of Campania called Pompei. Huu Mji pamoja na miji ya karibu Herculaneum na vimji vingine, vilifunikwa na meter 4-6 za majivu na mawe madogo, muda Mlima Vesuvius ulivyo ripuka na volcano. 

Kabla huja anza kuwaza kama ndo Sodoma na Gomora, ntakujibu, sio Sodoma na Gomora kwa sababu mbili za msingi. Hii Volcano ili errupt miaka 79 baada ya kuzaliwa kwa nabii issa(Yesu), na pia sehemu yake sio maeneo ya uarabuni. Huu Mji ulikuwa na watu 11,000, system ya maji ya kisasa, system ya kutoa maji machafu ambayo hata uingereza walikuja kuwa nayo miaka 1000 baadae, na sehemu zao za kutembea zilikuwa zimejengwa na aina ya jiwe, ambayo usiku mwezi ukitoka yale mawe yana waka mwanga kwa ku reflect mwanga wa mwezi. Yaani walikuwa na taa za barabarani zenye kuwashwa na mwezi, Upo hapo?

Sasa mji kama huu, na teknolojia yao yote, walikuwa hawajui kitu kinaitwa Volcano? Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mkubwa, mripuko ulipo anza, watu badala ya kukimbia mji, walikimbilia makwao. Kweli sisi binadamu hatujui mpaka tufundishwe na baba yetu Adam ndo aliyetutangulia na somo directly kutoka kwa Mola wa viumbe vyote, imechukua watu kufa, ndo tumejua volcano ni nini. Inakufanya mtu ufikiri, siri gani zingine za dunia hatuzijui?
Anywho, let me stop talking and let you watch how it went down on the Last Day of Pompeii. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Ulimi (Tongue)

Imehadithiwa na Abdullah Bin Umar:
Sa'd bin Ubada aliuguwa na Mtume(S.A.W) pamoja na Abdur Rahman Bin Auf, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas na Abdullah bin Mas'ud walimtembelea kumjulia hali. Alipofika, akamkuta kazungukwa na watu wake wa nyumbani, akauliza, amesha fariki? Wakajibu, hapana Mtume wa Allah. Mtume akaanza kulia, watu walivyo ona analia, na wao wakaanza kulia. Akasema,

"mnaweza kunisikiliza? Allah hamuadhibu mtu kwa machozi ya watu, wala kwa huzuni kwenye mioyo ya watu, lakini ana adhibu au ana samehe kwasababu ya hii," Akanyooshea ulimi na kuongeza, "Marehemu ana adhibiwa kwa vilio vya makelele yenye maneno kutoka kwa ndugu zake kwa ajili yake."

Umar alikuwa ana chapa watu na fimbo, na kurushia mawe and kumwagia mchanga kwenye nyuso za watu wanaolilia marehemu zao kwa makelele, maneno na vishindo.

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:
Sa`d bin 'Ubada became sick and the Prophet (ﷺ) along with `Abdur Rahman bin `Auf,

Sa`d bin Abi Waqqas and `Abdullah bin Mas`ud visited him to inquire about his health.
When he came to him, he found him surrounded by his household and he asked, "Has he died?"
They said, "No, O Allah's Apostle." The Prophet (ﷺ) wept and when the people saw the
weeping of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) they all wept. He said, 

"Will you listen? Allah does not punish for shedding tears, nor for the grief of the heart but he punishes or bestows His Mercy because of this." He pointed to his tongue and added, 
"The deceased is punished for the wailing of his relatives over him."

 `Umar used to beat with a stick and throw stones and put dust over the faces (of those who used to wail over the dead).

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Msomi wa Leo - Sh. Nurdin Muhammad ahmad aka Sh.Nurdin Kishki

Sheikh Kishki ni mzaliwa wa Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. Ni sheikh kwenye Msikiti wa Vetinari uliokuwa Dar-Es-Salaam. Alisoma dini chini ya sheikh Ibrahim, Sheikh Mohamad, Sheikh Harun, Sheikh Abdul kadr na baadae akamalizia kusomea dini Al-Azhar sharif Misri.

Mwaka 1999 Sheikh alihitimu kuhifadhi Qur'ani, na akashinda mshindi wa Kwanza kwenye  mashindano ya Qur'ani ya kimataifa nchini, na wa pili mwaka wa pili. Sheikh pia alishwahi kushiriki kwenye mashindano ya Qur'ani Misri na Iran.

Alifungua madrasa yake ya kwanza, Madrasatul Iqra(mtaa wa mkamba, Changombe), na pia alifundisha madrasa ya abubakar sadiq(mtaa wa temeke, karibu na eneo la sokota). Baada ya zile madrasa kufungwa,  alianzisha Madrasa ya Istiqama maeneo ya temeke.

Sheikh ametoa Mawaidha ya Dini mikoa 16 ya Tanzania(mbeya, Iringa, Singida, Rukwa(Sumbawanga na vijiji vyake),Kigoma, Tabora, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Zanzibar, Tanga, Morogoro, Mikoa ya Pwani). Nje ya Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, Imarat (Dubai), Oman na Saudi Arabia.

Sheikh katengeneza video nyingi za dini, na pia ni Mkurugenzi wa taasisi ya kiislamu Al-Hikmah Education Center.

Msikilize mwenyewe akikuelezea historia yake na changamoto mbali mbali alizopata kwenye safari zake za dini.

Mwenyezi Mungu Amlinde na Amzidishie Elimu ya Dini na ya Dunia.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Aya za Leo - Sadaka

Na toeni katika tulicho kupeni kabla hayajamfikia mmoja wenu mauti, tena hapo akasema: Mola wangu Mlezi! Huniakhirishie muda kidogo
nipate kutoa sadaka, na niwe katika watu wema?
Wala Mwenyezi Mungu hataiakhirisha nafsi yoyote inapo fika ajali yake; na Mwenyezi Mungu anazo khabari za mnayo yatenda.

And spend [in the way of Allah ] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says,
"My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous."
But never will Allah delay a soul when its time has come. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.
(Qur'an 63:10-11)

Ijumaa Njema Wadau!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mvua ya Barafu Arusha!

Hali ilikuwa hivi.

Na sisi tuna Snow Jamani. hehehe!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Why is India so filthy? | The Ugly Indian | TEDxBangalore

Kuna Mengi ya Kujifunza hapa, sio kila siku tusubiri serikali itufanyie, na sisi wenyewe tujitume.

Plenty of great ideas.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

In Memory of The late Professor Ali Mazrui

2009 CIOM Eid Unity Banquet: Keynote Speaker (Professor Ali Mazrui)

Mwenyezi Mungu Amlaze Mahali Pema peponi.

Read his biography here>>>

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mohammad Nader Alemi

Interesting Read .....War is something else, it affects people in so many different ways.I nabbed the article below from BBC by Tahir Qadiry.

 Afghan psychiatrist Nader Alemi at his clinic in Mazar-e-Sharif

The Taliban's psychiatrist

In the late 1990s the Taliban controlled Afghanistan, but the fighting that brought them to power left many militants struggling with the psychological effects of war. One doctor recognised the problem and, although he disagreed with the Taliban's ideology, agreed to treat them.

"I remember the first group of Taliban who came to see me," says Afghan psychiatrist Nader Alemi. "They used to come in groups, not as individuals. When I treated one, he would spread the word. "Fighters would turn up with my name on a piece of paper. They would say that I'd cured their friend, and now they wanted to be cured too. Most of them had never been to a doctor before."

A familiar figure in Afghanistan, Alemi is based in Mazar-e-Sharif in the north of the country. Taliban forces captured the city in August 1998 and won control of much of the surrounding area. But while they were succeeding on the battlefield, Alemi saw the mental strain of years of fighting. He was the only psychiatrist in northern Afghanistan to speak Pashto, the language of most Taliban. "Language was very important - because I spoke their language, they felt comfortable opening up," he says.

One day the Taliban's provincial governor Akthar Osmani summoned Alemi to see him - Mullah Akhtar was second in command to Mullah Omar, the group's spiritual leader.

"He was hearing voices and he was delusional - his bodyguards told me they could hear him raving during the night," says Alemi. Mullah Akhtar's staff also said their boss often didn't recognize them.
"This man had been on the front line for goodness knows how long, and seen goodness knows how many people killed in front of him. All those explosions and screams may still have been echoing in his head, even sitting in the comfort of his office."

Alemi wanted to see Mullah Akhtar regularly to provide long-term treatment, but his patient would go off on missions every three months, and only kept a few appointments. Much later, in 2006, Mullah Akhtar was killed in an airstrike.

Read the rest of the story here>>>

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Is it Possible to Never be Sick Again?

               D.Raymond Francis, "Never be Sick Again".
                   د. ريموند فرانسيس : لكي لا تصاب بالمرض مجدداً.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Kupiga Mswaki

Ilihadithiwa na Hudhaifah kwamba:
Mtume alipokuwa ana amka kuswali usiku, alikuwa akipiga mswaki.

It was narrated from Hudhaifah that:
When the Prophet (S.A.W) got up to pray at night, he would brush his teeth with the siwak.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Utafutaji

Na utafute, kwa aliyo kupa Mwenyezi Mungu, makaazi ya Akhera. Wala usisahau fungu lako la dunia. Nawe fanya wema kama Mwenyezi Mungu alivyo kufanyia wema wewe. Wala usitafute kufanya ufisadi katika ardhi. Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu hawapendi mafisadi.

But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." (Quran 28:77)

Ijumaa Njema Wandugu!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Jua na Mwezi

Ni yeye aliye uumba usiku na mchana, na Jua na Mwezi. Zote zina elea, kila moja na njia yake.

It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course. (Quran 21:33)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Fight Against Ebola (Part 3/3)

The situation is very serious.

Mwenyezi Mungu atustiri.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Happy New Islamic Year 1436!

Yippee We Made it! Sending plenty of Prayers your way, May you be Showered with Allah's Blessings.

Hadithi ya Leo - Jua na Mwezi (The Sun and the Moon)

On October 23rd, folks in North America where fortunate to witness a partial solar eclipse. Solar Eclipse happens when the Sun, Moon and the Earth Line up with the moon being in the middle. Mwezi umeufunika Jua kidogo leo, na wenzetu wa marekani wameweza kuuona. Hii husababishwa na Jua, Mwezi na Dunia zikiwa kwenye mstari moja na Mwezi ukiwa kati kati. Basi nawaacha na hadithi ya Leo.

Imehadithiwa na Abu Bakra:
Tulikuwa na Mtume wa Allah wakati jua lilivyo funikwa na mwezi. Mtume wa Allah aka nyanyuka, kavuta vazi lake la nje na akaingia msikitini.  Alituswalisha Rakaa mbili mpaka Jua lilivyo achwa kufunikwa. Mtume wa Allah(S.A.W) akasema, " Jua na Mwezi hazi zibani kwasababu mtu kafariki. Kwahiyo kila unapo ona haya matukio ya Mwezi na Jua kuzibana, Mtaje Allah mapaka hilo tukio likisha pita.

Narrated Abu Bakra:
We were with Allah's Apostle when the sun eclipsed. Allah's Apostle stood up dragging his cloak till he entered the Mosque. He led us in a two-Rakat prayer till the sun (eclipse) had cleared. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of someone's death. So whenever you see these eclipses pray and invoke (Allah) till the eclipse is over."  

Bukhari Book 18:150

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bahati Nasibu ya Kadi ya Kijani ya Marekani Bureeee!

Bahati Nasibu ya Kupata Kadi ya Kijani ya Marekani 2016 Imeshaanza!

Tarehe za kuomba:  1/10/2014 - 3/11/2014
Vinavyohitajika: Cheti cha Sekondari Au Ushahidi wa uzoefu wa Kazi kwa miaka miwili sana sana kwenye Job Zone 4 tafuta kazi yako hapa au Job Zone 5 cheki hapa. Picha ya pasipoti yenye background nyeupe au cream, cheki maelezo ya picha hapa
Wapi pa kuwasilisha

Lakini kwa sasa kwa vile ku apply ni BUREEEE, we apply tu ukishinda ndo utahangiaka kutafuta vinavyo hitajika, sema hakikisha una upload picha ya pasipoti na form, na unajaza form yote.
Good Luck my peeps!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Heroes Among Us!

22-Year-Old Saves Father, Mother & Sister From Ebola In Her Home

Professor Ali Mazrui Afariki Dunia!

Professor Ali Al-Amin Mazrui afariki dunia Marekani usiku wa October 12, 2014.
Mazishi yatafanyika Mazrui Cemetery Mombasa baada ya mwili kufika. Mwenyezi Mungu Amlaze mahali pema peponi. Inna lillahi waina illahi rajiun.

Soma Habari yake Zaidi BBC...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cuba leads fight against Ebola in Africa as west frets about border security

Interesting Read.. I gotta say this is why we have a great relationship with Cuba.
Cuban doctors and health workers arrive at Freetown's airport to help the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone. Photograph: Florian Plaucheur/AFP/Getty Images
The island nation has sent hundreds of health workers to help control the deadly infection while richer countries worry about their security – instead of heeding UN warnings that vastly increased resources are urgently needed

As the official number of Ebola deaths in west Africa’s crisis topped 4,000 last week – experts say the actual figure is at least twice as high – the UN issued a stark call to arms. Even to simply slow down the rate of infection, the international humanitarian effort would have to increase massively, warned secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.
“We need a 20-fold resource mobilisation,” he said. “We need at least a 20-fold surge in assistance – mobile laboratories, vehicles, helicopters, protective equipment, trained medical personnel, and medevac capacities.”

But big hitters such as China or Brazil, or former colonial powers such France and the UK, have not been stepping up to the plate. Instead, the single biggest medical force on the Ebola frontline has been a small island: Cuba.

That a nation of 11 million people, with a GDP of $6,051 per capita, is leading the effort says much of the international response. A brigade of 165 Cuban health workers arrived in Sierra Leone last week, the first batch of a total of 461. In sharp contrast, western governments have appeared more focused on stopping the epidemic at their borders than actually stemming it in west Africa. The international effort now struggling to keep ahead of the burgeoning cases might have nipped the outbreak in the bud had it come earlier.

Read the rest of the story from the Guardian here....

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mtoto akitoa mawaidha

How cute is He! Mashallah!

halafu kalikuwa kanakuwa distracted, sijui kana miaka mingapi.

Do you Walk?

Faida za Kutembea....

1, Punguza Stress, Hasira, Kuchoka na Kuchanganyikiwa
2. Punguza ugonjwa wa macho
3.Punguza hatari ya kupata ugonjwa wa kusahau (Alzheimers)
4.Punguza kuuguwa kwa magonjwa madogo madogo
5. Boresha mapigo ya moyo
6.Sawazisha Blood pressure yako
7.Jenga mifupa ya mwili na misuli
8.Punguza hatari ya kupata saratani ya utumbo mkubwa.
9.Boresha balance yako ya mwili.
10. Na Mwisho Yayusha kabisa mafuta kwenye mwili. Toa Unene.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Makkah 2014 Updates!

Yaani ma haji wetu na vurugu lote la ujenzi, bado wana bahati ya kuona maendeleo wa msikiti na mji wa Makkah. Basi ngoje niwaonyeshe picha za kazi inavyokwenda.

Kazi ni kubwa haswaaa

Kufanya tawaf sasa sio lazima kubanana kwenye sehemu moja, unaweza pia kwenda kwenye level ya pili au ya tatu, huku una pepewa na feni, na bado ukapata faida zake.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Denying Palestinians Their Humanity

I got this in the mail today....

A Response to Elie Wiesel


Mr. Wiesel,

I read your statement about Palestinians, which appeared in *The* *New York
August 4th. I cannot help feeling that your attack against Hamas and
stunning accusations of child sacrifice are really an attack, carefully
veiled but unmistakable, against all Palestinians, their children
included. As a child of Holocaust survivors—both my parents survived
Auschwitz—I am appalled by your anti-Palestinian position, one I know you
have long held. I have always wanted to ask you, why? What crime have
Palestinians committed in your eyes? Exposing Israel as an occupier and
themselves as its nearly defenseless victims? Resisting a near half century
of oppression imposed by Jews and through such resistance forcing us as a
people to confront our lost innocence (to which you so tenaciously cling)?

Unlike you, Mr. Wiesel, I have spent a great deal of time in Gaza among
Palestinians. In that time, I have seen many terrible things and I must
confess I try not to remember them because of the agony they continue to
inflict. I have seen Israeli soldiers shoot into crowds of young children
who were doing nothing more than taunting them, some with stones, some with
just words. I have witnessed too many horrors, more than I want to
describe. But I must tell you that the worst things I have seen, those
memories that continue to haunt me, insisting never to be forgotten, are
not acts of violence but acts of dehumanization.

There is a story I want to tell you, Mr. Wiesel, for I have carried it
inside of me for many years and have only written about it once a very long
time ago. I was in a refugee camp in Gaza when an Israeli army unit on foot
patrol came upon a small baby perched in the sand sitting just outside the
door to its home. Some soldiers approached the baby and surrounded it.
Standing close together, the soldiers began shunting the child between them
with their feet, mimicking a ball in a game of soccer. The baby began
screaming hysterically and its mother rushed out shrieking, trying
desperately to extricate her child from the soldiers’ legs and feet. After
a few more seconds of “play,” the soldiers stopped and walked away, leaving
the terrified child to its distraught mother.

Now, I know what you must be thinking: this was the act of a few misguided
men. But I do not agree because I have seen so many acts of dehumanization
since, among which I must now include yours. Mr. Wiesel, how can you defend
the slaughter of over 500 innocent children by arguing that Hamas uses them
as human shields? Let us say for the sake of argument that Hamas does use
children in this way; does this then justify or vindicate their murder in
your eyes? How can any ethical human being make such a grotesque argument?
In doing so, Mr. Wiesel, I see no difference between you and the Israeli
soldiers who used the baby as a soccer ball. Your manner may differ from
theirs—perhaps you could never bring yourself to treat a Palestinian child
as an inanimate object—but the effect of your words is the same: to
dehumanize and objectify Palestinians to the point where the death of Arab
children, some murdered inside their own homes, no longer affects you. All
that truly concerns you is that Jews not be blamed for the children’s
savage destruction.

Despite your eloquence, it is clear that you believe only Jews are capable
of loving and protecting their children and possess a humanity that
Palestinians do not. If this is so, Mr. Wiesel, how would you explain the
very public satisfaction among many Israelis over the carnage in Gaza—some
assembled as if at a party, within easy sight of the bombing, watching the
destruction of innocents, entertained by the devastation? How are these
Israelis different from those people who stood outside the walls of the
Jewish ghettos in Poland watching the ghettos burn or listening
indifferently to the gunshots and screams of other innocents within—among
them members of my own family and perhaps yours—while they were being
hunted and destroyed?

You see us as you want us to be and not as many of us actually are. We are
not all insensate to the suffering we inflict, acceding to cruelty with
ease and calm. And because of you, Mr. Wiesel, because of your words—which
deny Palestinians their humanity and deprive them of their victimhood—too
many can embrace our lack of mercy as if it were something noble, which it
is not. Rather, it is something monstrous.

*Sara Roy** is a senior research scholar at the Center for Middle Eastern
Studies, Harvard University.*

Friday, September 26, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Dhawabu

Sivyo hivyo! Yeyote anaye elekeza uso wake kwa Mwenyezi Mungu naye ni mtenda mema, basi ana malipo yake kwa Mola wake Mlezi, wala haitakuwa khofu juu yao wala hawatahuzunika. 

Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to Allah and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Qur'an 2:112)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mecca From Inside , Amazing holly journey

Its that time of year again. May Allah light a path for all our Hajj participants.

Makkah has definitely changed since the shooting of this video.
Imagine having 20 Super-bowls in one stadium! Wow! is the word.
I bet you these guys won't recognize the Makkah now!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Subira


Na tafuteni msaada kwa Subira na Sala; na kwa hakika jambo hilo ni gumu isipokuwa kwa wanyenyekevu.

And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah ] (Qur'an 2:45)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Jua na Mwezi(The Sun and Moon)

Ana uingiza usiku katika mchana, na anauingiza mchana katika usiku. Na amelifanya jua na mwezi kutumikia. Kila kimojapo kinakwenda kwa muda maalumu. Huyo ndiye Mwenyezi Mungu Mola wenu Mlezi. Ufalme ni wake. Na hao mnao waomba badala yake hawamiliki hata ugozi wa kokwa ya tende.

He causes the night to enter the day, and He causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon - each running [its course] for a specified term. That is Allah , your Lord; to Him belongs sovereignty. And those whom you invoke other than Him do not possess [as much as] the membrane of a date seed.(Qur'an 35:13)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Msomi wa Leo - Dr.Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais

Amezaliwa Februari 10 mwaka 1962 Bukayriyah, Saudi Arabia. Ni Imam wa msikiti mkuu wa Makka, Saudi Arabia. Sheikh alishika Quran nzima akiwa na miaka 12. Sheikh alipata Shahada ya kwanza kwenye Sheria ya kiislamu kutoka chuo kikuu cha Riyadh mwaka 1983, na Shahada ya pili kwenye Misingi ya Kiislamu kutoka chuo cha Sheria cha Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University mwaka 1987, na shahada ya tatu kwenye Sheria ya kiislamu kutoka chuo kikuu cha Umm al-Qura mwaka 1995, wakati anafanya kazi kama profesa msaidizi, baada ya kufundisha chuo kikuu cha Riyadh. Sheikh ana mke moja ambaye ni Fahda Ra'uf.

Msikilize mwenyewe sheikh akiswalisha taraweh mwaka huu siku ya nne ya Ramadhani.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Utiifu

Ime hadithiwa kwa ruhusa ya 'Auf B.Malik kuwa Mtuwa wa Allah  (ﷺ) alisema:
Watawala Bora, ni wale nyinyi mnaowapenda na wanaowapenda nyinyi, wanaowaombea Baraka za Mungu ziwe juu yenu, na nyie mkamuombea Baraka za Mungu ziwe juu yake. Na Watawala Wabaya, ni wale mnaowachukia, na wao wanawachukia, na mnao mlaani, na yeye akawalaani. Akaulizwa: Je tusimpindue kwa msaada wa panga? Akajibu: Hapana, kama bado anafanya ibada kati yenu. Kama kunakitu kina wachukiza, basi chukieni utawala wake, lakini msiache kumtii.

It has been narrated on the authority of 'Auf b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
The best of your rulers are those whom you love and who love you, who invoke God's blessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. And the worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you and whom you curse and who curse you. It was asked (by those present): Shouldn't we overthrow them with the help of the sword? He said: No, as long as they establish prayer among you. If you then find anything detestable in them. You should hate their administration, but do not withdraw yourselves from their obedience.

Reference : Sahih Muslim 1855 a

Friday, September 5, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Binadamu (Son of Man)

Na Allah amekuumba kutoka kwenye vumbi, kisha kutoka kwenye tone la manii, kisha akawa uumbieni wenzi wenu. Na hakuna mwanamke anayeshika mimba au anayezaa bila ujuzi wake. Na hakuna mzee anayo ongezewe maisha au kupunguziwa, ila yamesha andikwa(amrishwa). Hakika kwa Allah hilo ni rahisi.

And Allah created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop; then He made you mates. And no female conceives nor does she give birth except with His knowledge. And no aged person is granted [additional] life nor is his lifespan lessened but that it is in a register. Indeed, that for Allah is easy.(Qur'an 35:11)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Kutukana Wazazi

Ime hadithiwa kwa Amri ya Abdullah B.Amr b.Al-'As kuwa Mtume wa Allah(ﷺ) alisema;
Kumtukana mzazi ni dhambi kubwa. Watu wakauliza, Mtume wa Allah, kuna mtu anayetukana wazazi wake pia? Akajibu: Ndiyo, mtu anamtukana baba wa mwenzake, na yeye akajibu kwa kumtukana baba wa aliyomtukania wake. Mwingine anamtukana mama wa mwenzake na yeye akajibu kwa kumtukana mama wa aliyemtukana wakwake.

It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Amr b. al-'As that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed:
Abusing one's parents is one of the major sins. They (the hearers) said: Messenger of Allah, does a man abuse his parents too? He (the Holy Prophet) replied: Yes, one abuses the father of another man, who in turn abuses his father. One abuses his mother and he in turn abuses his (the former's) mother.
Reference : Sahih Muslim 90a

Friday, August 29, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Iblees

Na [waelezee] tulivyo waambia malaika, "Msujudieni Adam", waka sujudi ila Iblis. Yeye alikuwa moja wa majini, na akavunja amri ya mola wake. Je, mtamchukua yeye na vizazi vyake kama walinzi wenu badala ya mimi? wakati wao ni adui zenu! Mabaya ndio yatakuwa mabadilishano yenu kwa watendao mabaya.

And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam," and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord. Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange. (Qur'an 18:50)

Monday, August 25, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Unyenyekevu

Iyad bin Himar alisema:
Mtume wa Allah(S.A.W) alisema:
"Allah alini fungulia kwamba mnyenyekeane. Mtu asijiinue yeye kuwa juu ya mwingine wala msitendeane maovu."

'Iyad bin Himar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Allah has revealed to me that you should humble yourselves to one another. One should neither hold himself above another nor transgress against another."
Muslim Book 1, Hadith 602

Friday, August 22, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Allah

Sifa njema zote ni za Allah, Mola na Mlezi wa madunia.

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.(Qur'an 1:2)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

You Want To Get Married? Watch This! - Mufti Menk

Haya mnaotaka kuolewa Sheikh kaongea, sio kuomba tu, inabidi uchakarike pia.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Salamu(Greetings)

Ime hadithiwa na Abu Hurairah:
Kwamba mtume wa Allah(S.A.W) alisema: " Kwa yule ambaye kwenye mkono wake ni Roho yangu! Huta ingia Peponi mpaka uamini, na huta amini mpaka mpendane. Niwaambieni jambo ambalo mkilifanya mtapendana? Salimianeni."

Narrated Abu Hurairah:
that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I inform you about a matter which if you do it, then you will love one another? Spread the Salam among each other."
Tirmidhi 2688

Friday, August 15, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Mitume(Prophets)

Na hatukuwatuma mitume bali wawaletee habari njema na kuwaonya. Na wale wasio amini na kubisha kwa kutumia uwongo [wanajaribu] kubatilisha ukweli, na wamechukua aya zangu zinazo waonyana na kuzi kejeli .

And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken my verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule.(Qur'an 18:56)

Mawaidha ya Leo kutoka kwa Mufti Menk

Before You Share Photos Online, Watch This - Mufti Menk
Sheikh anakwambia mna post vipicha vyenu mitandaoni mnakula maraha, mnakaribisha wivu, chuki na vijicho.
Habari ndiyo hiyo!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo- Kutia Wuḍūʾna Soksi

Imehadithiwa na Urwa bin Al-Mughira:
Baba yangu alisema, "Kuna siku nilikuwa na mtume(ﷺ) safarini na nikawahi kumtoa Khuffs(Soksi zilizo tengenezwa na kitambaa kizito au ngozi). Akani amrisha nizi wache, kwani alizivaa baada ya kutia wudhu. Basi akapaka maji juu yake".

Narrated `Urwa bin Al-Mughira:
My father said, "Once I was in the company of the Prophet (ﷺ) on a journey and I dashed to take off his Khuffs (socks made from thick fabric or leather). He ordered me to leave them as he had put them after performing ablution. So he passed wet hands over them".( Bukhari 206)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Is Ignorance Bliss?

Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia

Friday, August 8, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Wuḍūʾ

Enyi mlio amini! Mnapo simama kwa ajili ya Sala basi osheni nyuso zenu, na mikono yenu mpaka vifundoni, na mpake vichwa vyenu, na osheni miguu yenu mpaka vifundoni. Na mkiwa na janaba basi ogeni. Na mkiwa wagonjwa au mmo safarini, au mmoja wenu ametoka chooni au mmewagusa wanawake, na hamkupata maji, basi tayamamuni vumbi lilio safi, na mpake nyuso zenu na mikono yenu. Hapendi Mwenyezi Mungu kukutieni katika taabu; bali anataka kukutakaseni na kutimiza neema yake juu yenu ili mpate kushukuru

O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and do not find water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and hands with it. Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful.(Qur'an 5:6)
Ijumaa Njema Wadau!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Kutia Wuḍūʾna Soksi

Imehadithiwa na Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba:
Nilikuwa na Mtume wa Allah(S.A.W) kwenye moja ya safari zake, na akaenda kujisaidia. Aliporudi, nikawa nammiminia maji ya kutia Wuḍūʾ; akaosha uso, mikono na akapaka maji kichwani na juu ya Khuff(soksi zilizo tengenezwa na kitambaa kizito au ngozi) zake.

Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu`ba:
I was in the company of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) on one of the journeys and he went out to answer the call of nature (and after he finished) I poured water and he performed ablution; he washed his face, forearms and passed his wet hand over his head and over the two Khuff (socks made from thick fabric or leather).
(Bukhari 182)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Niger-The Land of Fear

I chuckled when he grabbed the salt, the seller reacted.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Aya za leo - Mungu Akipenda(If Allah Wills)

Na usiliongelee jambo, "hakika, kesho ntalifanya", bila[kuongezea], "Mwenyezi Mungu akipenda". Na mkumbuke mola wako unaposahau na useme, " Pengine mola wangu ataniongoza kwa kile kilicho kuwa karibu zaidi kwa wema kuliko hiki .

And never say of anything, "Indeed, I will do that tomorrow", Except [when adding], "If Allah wills." And remember your Lord when you forget [it] and say, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to what is nearer than this to right conduct." (Qur'an 18:23-24)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Kufunga Sita baada ya Ramadhani

Abu Ayub alihadithia kwamba:
Mtume wa Allah alisema:" Yeyote anayefunga Ramadhani, alafu akaendelezea na siku sita za mwezi wa Shawwal, basi ni sawa na kufunga kila siku.

Abu Ayub narrated that :
the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan, then follows it with six from Shawwal, then that is (equal in reward) to fasting everyday." (Tirmidhi 759)

Eid Mubarak kutoka Tanzania!

Salaam za Eid kutoka kwa mdau wangu wa Arusha

Mdau wangu mwingine anasema walifungua vinywa....
wakamalizia na biriani

Picha zote hapo chini zinazofuata nimezitoa kwa michuzi media



Monday, July 28, 2014

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Eid Mubarak!

Saudi has announced Eid to be on Monday July 28th, so Eid Mubarak to them and all countries following them as well as countries that follow the Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America, the European Council for Fatwa and Research , the Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand and Jamiatal Ulama in South Africa.

For those countries following local sighting, Eid will be on Tuesday July 29th, so Eid Mubarak to you guys as well. 

A note from
Sunday, 27 July 2014:
    Moon is not expected to be seen in almost the whole world except with difficulty in South America, and with ease in Polynesian Islands, where there are not many Muslims reporting moonsighting. There is a small possibility in South Africa but only experienced observers may see it. 
    Mwezi hautegemewi kuonekana karibia dunia nzima, kasoro kwa shida South America, na kwa urahisi visiwa vya Polynesian, ambapo hamna waislamu wengi wakutoa repoti kwa moonsighting. Kuna uwezekano mdogo wa kuuona mwezi Afrika kusini, lakini na watu wenye ujuzi na uzoefu kwa kutafuta mwezi.

Air Algerie Plane Crash Flight AH5017 Crashes | Missing Plane with 116 A...

Inna lillahi waina illahi rajiun.
To God we belong and to him is our return.
May Allah accept the souls of the departed to his heaven and may he give peace to their remaining families.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

It's Official - We are starting our Eid Countdown......

What better way to launch this countdown then a past Eid Event of muslims flooding the streets of Moscow to kick off the Eid celebration with the morning Eid prayer.

God is truly great!
I think its apparent, Moscow needs more mosques.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Aya za Leo - Wana Wawili wa Adamu(The two Son's of Adam)

Na wasomee habari ya wana wawili wa Adam kwa ukweli. Walipo toa sadaka, ukakubaliwa wa mmoja wao, na wa mwengine haukukubaliwa. [Moja]Akasema: "Nitakuuwa". Akasema mwengine: "Mwenyezi Mungu huwapokelea wachamngu,ukininyooshea mkono wako kuniuwa, mimi sitakunyooshea mkono wangu kukuuwa. Hakika mimi namwogopa Mwenyezi Mungu, Mola wa walimwengu wote.Mimi nataka ubebe dhambi zangu na dhambi zako, kwani wewe utakuwa miongoni mwa watu wa Motoni. Na hayo ndiyo malipo ya wenye kudhulumu". Basi nafsi yake ikampelekea kumuuwa nduguye, akamuuwa na akawa miongoni mwa wenye hasara. Hapo Mwenyezi Mungu akamleta kunguru anaye fukua katika ardhi ili amwonyeshe vipi kumsitiri nduguye. Akasema: Ole wangu! Nimeshindwa kuwa kama kunguru huyu nikamsitiri ndugu yangu? Basi akawa miongoni mwa wenye kujuta.

And recite to them the story of Adam's two sons, in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice [to Allah ], and it was accepted from one of them but was not accepted from the other. Said [the latter], "I will surely kill you." Said [the former], "Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous [who fear Him]. If you should raise your hand against me to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah , Lord of the worlds.Indeed I want you to obtain [thereby] my sin and your sin so you will be among the companions of the Fire. And that is the recompense of wrongdoers."And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers.Then Allah sent a crow searching in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, "O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow and hide the body of my brother?" And he became of the regretful.(Qur'an 5:27-31)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chakula Bora cha Leo - Tikiti Maji

 Haya Ramadhani ndo hiyo inaishia ishia, tuangalie faida za kula Tikiti Maji.
1. Ina zuiwa Pumu - Ina asimilia kubwa ya Vitamin C
2. Ina punguza Blood Pressure
3. Ina zuia Saratani
4. Ina saidia kupata choo kizuri(Tena kwa ramadhani mambo si ndo hayo)
5. Ina kupatia maji ya kutosha ili mwili uweze kujiendesha vizuri zaidi.
6. Ina zuia uvimbe wa mwili - Ina Choline ambayo husaidia mwili kulala, misuli, kujifunza na kuwa na kumbukumbu nzuri.
7. Huzuia Maumivu ya Misuli - Ina L-citrulline ambayo husaidia na kupunguza maumivu ya Misuli.
8. Ngozi nzuri - Ina Vitamin A ambayo inasaidi kuimarisha ngozi na nywele.

Aya ya Leo- Usiku wa Nguvu(Laylatul Qadri)

Usiku wa Nguvu ni bora kuliko miezi elfu.

The Night of Power is better
 than a thousand months.(Qur'an 97:3)

Read an earlier post that I talked about The night of power, here...>>>

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Msomi wa Leo - Sh. Mishary bin Rashid Al-afasi

Amezaliwa September 5 mwaka 1976 Kuwait. Sh.Al-Afasi ana shahada kutoka chuo kikuu cha Madina, na utaalamu wake ulikuwa kwenye aina 10 za kusoma Qur'ani na tafsiri zake.  Alisha soma Qur'ani mbele ya wasoma Qur'ani wakubwa kama Sheikh Ahmed Abdulaziz Al-Zaiat, Sheikh Ibrahim Ali Shahata Al-Samanodei na Sheikh Abdurarea Radwan.Sheikh ana mke na watoto wawili wa kike.

Sheikh ameshaswalisha Taraweh Islamic Center ya Irvine California Marekani.  Sheikh anaonekana kwenye channel mbili za dini, ambayo moja ni Alafasy TV. Sasa hivi Sheikh ni Imam wa Msikiti wa Al-Kabir(Msikiti Mkuu) uliokuwa mji wa Kuwait, na huswalisha Taraweh mwezi wa Ramadhani. Sheikh pia ni msoma mashairi au tuseme muimba Qaswida, na Qaswida yake moja nilishaipostigi hapa ...>>>

Msikilize Sheikh hapo chini anavyo kusomea Sura Yasin.

Mashallah! Mwenyezi Mungu amzidishie Elimu ya Dini na Dunia.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Qiyamul Layl (the night prayer) AKA Taraweh during Ramadhan

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee: Qiyamul Layl (the night prayer)

Aya ya Leo - Mzigo

Na mbebaji habebi mzigo wa mwingine. Na aliye zidiwa na mzigo wake akiomba uchukuliwe hautachukuliwa hata kidogo, hata kama ni ndugu yake wa karibu. Hakika wewe unawaonya wale wanao muogopa Mola wao bila kumuona, na wanashika Sala. Na anaye jitakasa, basi anajitakasa kwa ajili ya nafsi yake. Na marejeo ni kwa Mwenyezi Mungu.

And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And if a heavily laden soul calls [another] to [carry some of] its load, nothing of it will be carried, even if he should be a close relative. You can only warn those who fear their Lord unseen and have established prayer. And whoever purifies himself only purifies himself for [the benefit of] his soul. And to Allah is the [final] destination. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hadithi ya Leo - Destiny

Kwa mamlaka ya Abu Abbas Abdullah bin Abbas(Mwenyezi Mungu aridhike nae) Alisema:
Siku moja nilikuwa nyuma ya Mtume(S.A.W) kanipakia kwenye ngamia wake, akaniambia, "kijana, nitakupa ushauri: Mkumbuke Allah na Allah atakulinda. Mkumbuke Allah na utamkuta mbele yako. Ukiomba, basi muombe Allah pekee, na tafuta msaada, basi tafuta msaada kutoka kwa Allah. Na jua taifa zima liki kusanyika kukusaidia na chochote, hawatukasaidia ila Allah alichokupangia. Na wakikusanyika kukudhuru na chochote, hawata kudhuru ila Allah alichokupangia. Wino umesha inuliwa, na karatasi zimesha kauka.
On the authority of Abu Abbas Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:

One day I was behind the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) [riding on the same mount] and he said, “O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice]: Be mindful of Allah and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, then ask Allah [alone]; and if you seek help, then seek help from Allah [alone]. And know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what Allah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already prescribed against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.” 

Bukhari - Hadith 19

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 Crash: Who Shot Down Malaysian Plane Airl...

This is absolutely sad news! A tragic accident at best. The question still remains, why clear a plane for landing in an active war zone? Inge kuwa Africa, ungesikia ndege zime simamishwa, heck, ndege nzima ina geuzwa kwa uwoga tu, majirani zetu Kenya can attest to that. Lakini, ulaya, vita vinaendelea, bado ndege zinaruka tu bila tatizo. Anywho, kila mtu ana makosa kwenye hili Janga.
Inna lillahi waina illahi rajiun!
To God we belong and to him is our return.
May Allah rest the souls of the departed, and grant peace to their families.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fungo Kumi la Mwisho la Ramadhani

Alhamdulillah! tumefika fungo kumi la mwisho, na sasa countdown yenyewe ndo inaanza. Ni wakati huu watu wengi hua swaum ina leta shida kidogo, ukali unazidi, na siku zinaonekana ndefu zaidi. Lakini hizi siku kumi za mwisho ni za kuomba Allah akukinge na Moto wa Jahanamu. Usiku wa laylatul kadri, usiku wa nguvu ambaye Jibril mwenyewe anashuka na Malaika wengine kwa ruhsa ya mwenyezi mungu duniani, na wote tunajua Jibril ni mkubwa wa Malaika. Kwahiyo tuzidishe ibada, tujitahidi kufanya itkaf (kufanya ibada usiku)misikitini kama utaweza, na tujitahidi kutoa sadaka sana.

Usiku wa Laylatul Kadri uta angukia kati ya Ramadhani 21,23,25 au 27, ambazo ni usiku wa Julai 18,20,22,24 na 26. In'shaa'llah, Allah atatusamehe madhambi yetu na atajibu maombi yetu.