
Friday, October 2, 2015

Aya ya Leo - Msamaha(Forgiveness)

Kimbilieni msamaha wa Mola wenu Mlezi, na Pepo ambayo upana wake ni kama upana wa mbingu na ardhi, iliyo wekewa walio muamini Mwenyezi Mungu na Mitume wake. Hiyo ndiyo fadhila ya Mwenyezi Mungu, humpa amtakaye. Na Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mwenye fadhila kuu.

Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.  (Qur'an 57:21)

Mina Stampede Nationality Death List - Update

Watanzania Tumeongezeka tumeshafika 7. Innalillah Jamani angalieni namba ya watu waliofariki kutoka Iran na Egypt. Yaani, ni kama group zao zote zilikwenda pamoja. Subhanallah! 464? Jamani that's like a whole village.
Nationalities of victims
Nationality Deceased Injured Missing Ref.
 Afghanistan 2 N/A 6 [19]
 Algeria 14 7 54 [20]
 Bangladesh 41 61 148 [21]
 Benin 17 N/A 0 [22]
 Burkina Faso 1 N/A 0 [23]
 Burundi 1 N/A 6 [24]
 Cameroon 42 100 55 [25][26]
 Chad 11 N/A 0 [27]
 China 4 N/A 0 [28]
 Egypt 124 16 72 [29]
 Ethiopia 13 26 0 [30]
 Ghana 13 N/A 21 [31]
 India 51 38 63 [32][33][34]
 Indonesia 59 4 74 [35]
 Iran 464 14 0 [36]
 Iraq 1 N/A 0 [37]
 Ivory Coast 14 N/A 77 [38]
 Jordan 1 N/A 2 [39]
 Kenya 6 N/A 8 [40]
 Libya 8 N/A 0 [41]
 Malaysia 1 N/A 0 [42]
 Mali 79 155 129 [43][44][45]
 Mauritius N/A N/A 5 [46]
 Morocco 19 8 29 [47][48]
 Myanmar 5 N/A 7 [49]
 Netherlands 1 N/A 0 [50]
 Niger 22 39 0 [51]
 Nigeria 64 71 244 [52]
 Oman N/A 5 1 [53][54]
 Pakistan 54 12 110 [55]
 Philippines 1 N/A 0 [56]
 Senegal 10 2 52 [57][58]
 Somalia 8 N/A 0 [50]
 Sri Lanka N/A N/A 2 [59]
 Sudan 9 13 20 [60]
 Tanzania 7 N/A 37 [61]
 Tunisia 1 N/A 0 [62]
 Turkey 4 N/A 5 [63]
 United Kingdom N/A N/A 1 [64][65][66]
Unknown N/A 363 0
Total 1,172 934 1,228 [67][68]