
Friday, October 31, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Utafutaji

Na utafute, kwa aliyo kupa Mwenyezi Mungu, makaazi ya Akhera. Wala usisahau fungu lako la dunia. Nawe fanya wema kama Mwenyezi Mungu alivyo kufanyia wema wewe. Wala usitafute kufanya ufisadi katika ardhi. Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu hawapendi mafisadi.

But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." (Quran 28:77)

Ijumaa Njema Wandugu!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Aya ya Leo - Jua na Mwezi

Ni yeye aliye uumba usiku na mchana, na Jua na Mwezi. Zote zina elea, kila moja na njia yake.

It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course. (Quran 21:33)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Fight Against Ebola (Part 3/3)

The situation is very serious.

Mwenyezi Mungu atustiri.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Happy New Islamic Year 1436!

Yippee We Made it! Sending plenty of Prayers your way, May you be Showered with Allah's Blessings.

Hadithi ya Leo - Jua na Mwezi (The Sun and the Moon)

On October 23rd, folks in North America where fortunate to witness a partial solar eclipse. Solar Eclipse happens when the Sun, Moon and the Earth Line up with the moon being in the middle. Mwezi umeufunika Jua kidogo leo, na wenzetu wa marekani wameweza kuuona. Hii husababishwa na Jua, Mwezi na Dunia zikiwa kwenye mstari moja na Mwezi ukiwa kati kati. Basi nawaacha na hadithi ya Leo.

Imehadithiwa na Abu Bakra:
Tulikuwa na Mtume wa Allah wakati jua lilivyo funikwa na mwezi. Mtume wa Allah aka nyanyuka, kavuta vazi lake la nje na akaingia msikitini.  Alituswalisha Rakaa mbili mpaka Jua lilivyo achwa kufunikwa. Mtume wa Allah(S.A.W) akasema, " Jua na Mwezi hazi zibani kwasababu mtu kafariki. Kwahiyo kila unapo ona haya matukio ya Mwezi na Jua kuzibana, Mtaje Allah mapaka hilo tukio likisha pita.

Narrated Abu Bakra:
We were with Allah's Apostle when the sun eclipsed. Allah's Apostle stood up dragging his cloak till he entered the Mosque. He led us in a two-Rakat prayer till the sun (eclipse) had cleared. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of someone's death. So whenever you see these eclipses pray and invoke (Allah) till the eclipse is over."  

Bukhari Book 18:150

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bahati Nasibu ya Kadi ya Kijani ya Marekani Bureeee!

Bahati Nasibu ya Kupata Kadi ya Kijani ya Marekani 2016 Imeshaanza!

Tarehe za kuomba:  1/10/2014 - 3/11/2014
Vinavyohitajika: Cheti cha Sekondari Au Ushahidi wa uzoefu wa Kazi kwa miaka miwili sana sana kwenye Job Zone 4 tafuta kazi yako hapa au Job Zone 5 cheki hapa. Picha ya pasipoti yenye background nyeupe au cream, cheki maelezo ya picha hapa
Wapi pa kuwasilisha

Lakini kwa sasa kwa vile ku apply ni BUREEEE, we apply tu ukishinda ndo utahangiaka kutafuta vinavyo hitajika, sema hakikisha una upload picha ya pasipoti na form, na unajaza form yote.
Good Luck my peeps!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Heroes Among Us!

22-Year-Old Saves Father, Mother & Sister From Ebola In Her Home

Professor Ali Mazrui Afariki Dunia!

Professor Ali Al-Amin Mazrui afariki dunia Marekani usiku wa October 12, 2014.
Mazishi yatafanyika Mazrui Cemetery Mombasa baada ya mwili kufika. Mwenyezi Mungu Amlaze mahali pema peponi. Inna lillahi waina illahi rajiun.

Soma Habari yake Zaidi BBC...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cuba leads fight against Ebola in Africa as west frets about border security

Interesting Read.. I gotta say this is why we have a great relationship with Cuba.
Cuban doctors and health workers arrive at Freetown's airport to help the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone. Photograph: Florian Plaucheur/AFP/Getty Images
The island nation has sent hundreds of health workers to help control the deadly infection while richer countries worry about their security – instead of heeding UN warnings that vastly increased resources are urgently needed

As the official number of Ebola deaths in west Africa’s crisis topped 4,000 last week – experts say the actual figure is at least twice as high – the UN issued a stark call to arms. Even to simply slow down the rate of infection, the international humanitarian effort would have to increase massively, warned secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.
“We need a 20-fold resource mobilisation,” he said. “We need at least a 20-fold surge in assistance – mobile laboratories, vehicles, helicopters, protective equipment, trained medical personnel, and medevac capacities.”

But big hitters such as China or Brazil, or former colonial powers such France and the UK, have not been stepping up to the plate. Instead, the single biggest medical force on the Ebola frontline has been a small island: Cuba.

That a nation of 11 million people, with a GDP of $6,051 per capita, is leading the effort says much of the international response. A brigade of 165 Cuban health workers arrived in Sierra Leone last week, the first batch of a total of 461. In sharp contrast, western governments have appeared more focused on stopping the epidemic at their borders than actually stemming it in west Africa. The international effort now struggling to keep ahead of the burgeoning cases might have nipped the outbreak in the bud had it come earlier.

Read the rest of the story from the Guardian here....

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mtoto akitoa mawaidha

How cute is He! Mashallah!

halafu kalikuwa kanakuwa distracted, sijui kana miaka mingapi.

Do you Walk?

Faida za Kutembea....

1, Punguza Stress, Hasira, Kuchoka na Kuchanganyikiwa
2. Punguza ugonjwa wa macho
3.Punguza hatari ya kupata ugonjwa wa kusahau (Alzheimers)
4.Punguza kuuguwa kwa magonjwa madogo madogo
5. Boresha mapigo ya moyo
6.Sawazisha Blood pressure yako
7.Jenga mifupa ya mwili na misuli
8.Punguza hatari ya kupata saratani ya utumbo mkubwa.
9.Boresha balance yako ya mwili.
10. Na Mwisho Yayusha kabisa mafuta kwenye mwili. Toa Unene.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Makkah 2014 Updates!

Yaani ma haji wetu na vurugu lote la ujenzi, bado wana bahati ya kuona maendeleo wa msikiti na mji wa Makkah. Basi ngoje niwaonyeshe picha za kazi inavyokwenda.

Kazi ni kubwa haswaaa

Kufanya tawaf sasa sio lazima kubanana kwenye sehemu moja, unaweza pia kwenda kwenye level ya pili au ya tatu, huku una pepewa na feni, na bado ukapata faida zake.