
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can the prophet relate to you?

As Muslims we look at the prophet and how he lived his life, as an example of how he was able to overcome and deal with the most difficult situations. This article below by Reehab Ramadan; "He could Relate", talks about how he could relate to most of our situations.Interesting read indeed. 

Many times we may fall into thinking that Allah doesn’t love us because of the trials that we are put through, but as a mercy, Allah has sent us an example that we can emulate and an opportunity for us to relate to the Prophet ﷺ on many different levels through our trials. As we go through the life of the Prophet ﷺ and see the many hardships he endured we can begin to connect to him on a more personal level. We can see that he was human: when cut he would bleed, when put in difficult situations he would feel emotional pain – but regardless, he continued to strive in the way of Allah and kept his eye on the ultimate goal, pleasing Allah and entering Jannah.

The Prophet’s ﷺ  life began with a hefty trial. He entered into the world as an orphan. Not only is this hard in the general sense being that the lack of a father could affect his confidence and would undoubtedly effect the way he lived, but it was even more difficult because of the culture he was born into. He entered into a culture where lineage meant everything and orphans were dishonored. For anyone who started off life in a manner that was culturally unacceptable – be it a disability or a lineage issue – take comfort in the fact that our beloved ﷺ endured the same tribulations as you, and he overcame it by the will of Allah.

Without a father, our Prophet ﷺ only had his mother cling to. When he developed an emotional connection to her, and was old enough to remember his mother clearly, he then lost her to death as well. Imagine the emotional pain he must have felt – having already grown up without ever having contact with his own father, his mother was now gone as well. But he persevered and carried on with life. The other strong parental connection he made was with his grandfather. His grandfather loved him dearly and Prophet Mohammed ﷺ looked to him as a father figure. However, not long after his mother’s death, his grandfather passed away as well.

Have you ever lost a parent or even both parents? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.

Prophet Mohamed ﷺ continued to resiliently carry on. After the death of his grandfather, he went to live with uncle Abu Taalib and built a strong relationship with him that would be a vital aid to him in his years of calling to Islam.

When the Prophet ﷺ received the message and began to preach, he was faced with another great trial. He was ridiculed, taunted, and accused of being a mad man by many of his community members. These were people whom he once happily interacted with, shared joyous moments with, and simply lived life with.
Have you ever lost a child or been given the news that you will not be able to have children? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
At the time of the Prophet ﷺ, having male children was seen to be essential. Having daughters was a waste of money and sometimes even a shame. Men disliked it so much that they would take their young daughters and bury them alive, hoping that the next child their wife would bear would be a son. In the midst of all this, the Prophet ﷺ had no sons that lived passed childhood. His community had no sympathy towards him and would call him Abtaar (cut off). Imagine having lost a son who meant the world to you and not only having to put up with the internal grief of the loss, but also the community stigma and hurtful words. But still, he remained steadfast.
Have you, or someone you are close to, ever been accused of something you did not do? Has your name been blotched by false rumors and untruthful tongues? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
While the Prophet ﷺ was married to our Mother, Aisha radi Allahu ‘anha (may Allah be pleased with her), a heart-shaking occurrence took place. A man whom the father of Aisha supported and helped on a regular basis accused our beloved mother of a great sin and a great shame. Imagine, one of the most beloved people to you is accused of being unfaithful. Rumors spread about her, feelings were hurt, and hearts were shattered. Eventually her innocence was proven by a direct revelation from Allah, the most high, and her honor restored.
Have you had someone that you loved deeply return to Allah without having accepted the Message of Islam, no matter how hard you tried to convince them? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
Another great sadness in the life of the Prophet Mohammed ﷺ was the death of his beloved Uncle. It was not just the death of the Prophet’s uncle that was saddening, but the fact that this man that was so close to the Prophet ﷺ, passed away without accepting Islam and turning to Allah in full submission. The Prophet ﷺ tried hard to get him to accept Islam, but his pride and attachment to his forefather’s religion did not allow him to utter the words of acceptance before he returned to Allah.
Have you ever been turned away from those whom you love while only trying to benefit them? The Prophet ﷺ could relate.
Humiliation, kicking out, physical hurt, verbal taunts, and so many other pains were inflicted upon the Prophet ﷺ throughout his life, making him a person we can relate to in almost every trial of our life. The above are just glimpses of the pains he felt in his life, yet he was always content, always at peace. His peace was internal, and bestowed upon him by As-Salam, the One who is 
peace and He who bestows peace. Often times we think, ‘I’ve been through so much – no one understands, no one can help me.’ Think again. The Prophet ﷺ went through so much in his life and continued to hold strong. He can relate to the pain and the heartbreak you are going through, he knew where to turn for help. He turned to Allah the most high. Take comfort in the fact that the Prophet ﷺ can relate to you. Follow his lead and turn to the only One who can bring everlasting peace, and have faith in the fact that this alone will relieve your pain.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Self Reflection on the Movie and Violence

Interesting Read by Dr.Aslam Abdullah, very well written, I nabbed this article from Islamicity.

One of the lines in the prayer that Prophet Muhammad made in Taif after being beaten, humiliated and ridiculed in the tenth year of his prophet-hood reads, " O Allah, as long as you are not angry with me, I do not care about their attitude."

An insignificant convicted felon made a disgusting movie about the life of the Prophet. Some of his financial backers were influential evangelical leaders and some of his promoters were the usual Islamophobes. But who cares. Why should one take notice of this nonsense? The purpose of this movie as explained by one of its consultant was to make Muslims hate their religion and renounce it. Did any Muslim really feel disgusted with the character of the Prophet or the sanctity of his religion? Far from that, Muslim masses came out in the streets showing their solidarity with their religion and their love of their prophet. But let us categorically say that the violence that followed and presumably done in the name of Islam and the Prophet was un-Islamic. 

At the same time we need to do some self reflection and analyze our own traditions and sources that promote an intolerant attitude.

Many Muslim intellectuals and leaders have outlined different courses of action against such sort of Anti-Islam campaigns. We need to turn to the Prophet himself to see how he would have guided us and consequently, how we should have responded in this situation.
Amid all accusations and hatred against him, did our prophet incite his followers to come out on the streets of Makkah and shout slurs at the Quraysh leadership? What did he do? Condemned those people? No! Criticize those people? No! Incite his companions to commit violence? No! Boycott those people? No! 

So what did the Prophet do? God asks the Prophet to record his response as: "Say (Muhammad), 'If God had so willed, I would not have recited it (the Quran) to you, nor would He have made it known to you. I lived a whole lifetime among you before it came to me. How can you not use your reason?'." [Quran 10:16]  This verse points out that the entire lifetime of the Prophet was the embodiment of the Quran.

God tells us in the Quran "It was only as a mercy that We sent you [Prophet] to all people.' [Quran 21:107]. Is the Prophet worth emulating or should we rely only on our emotions and intellect? Can Muslims offer their lives as an example of conduct and values that will show as proof of their commitment to the Prophet and the Quran?

Those who are claiming to die for the honor of the Prophet, must prove first that they are willing to live by his teachings.

Based on the Prophet's response to the aggression of the people of Taif, he would have forgiven the people for making such a movie and would have prayed for their generations to see the light of the divine guidance. After all he forgave the people of Taif and sought mercy for them. From the tribe of Bani Thaqif of Taif came Muhammad bin Qasim who was instrumental in opening the door of Islam to the people of South Asia.

Unfortunately there are some scholars of Islam that have recommended taking actions that would seem contrary to the merciful attitude of the Prophet. Some of these scholars have given the verdict that a Muslim who insults the Prophet becomes an apostate and deserves to be executed. Many scholars apply the same ruling on non-Muslims who insult the Prophet.

Based on a few obscure anecdotes reported in some of the books of ahadith some scholars have concluded that the Prophet encouraged the killing of whoever insulted him and spoke harshly to him, and that included both Muslims and non-Muslims. Some even take an extreme position arguing that it is not obligatory to accept the apology from those who indulge in this behavior, rather it is permissible to kill him even if he makes repentance. The eminent scholar form the 13 century, Ibn Taymiyah, in his al-Saarim al-Maslool 'ala Shaatim al-Rasool explains that the Prophet sometimes chose to forgive those who had insulted him, and sometimes he ordered that they should be executed, if that served a greater purpose. Only the Prophet himself had the prerogative to forgive. After his death, the execution of the one who insults him remains the right of Allah, His Messenger and the believers, and the one who deserves to be executed cannot be let off, so the punishment must be carried out. (Al-Saarim al-Maslool, 2/438)

In other words, insulting the Prophet is one of the worst of forbidden actions, and it constitutes apostasy from Islam, according to some scholars, whether done seriously or in jest. The one who does that is to be executed even if he repents and whether he is a Muslim or a non-believer. If he repents sincerely and regrets what he has done, this repentance will benefit him on the Day of Resurrection and Allah will forgive him, as is argued by scholars.

If this is the verdict, then it definitely goes against the actions of the Prophet and the spirit of the Quran. There is no ambiguity in the Quran or in the statement and behavior of the Prophet. Those reports that accuse the Prophet of ordering the killing of his opponents, no matter to whom they are attributed, are not correct as they do not confirm to the Quran and the character of the Prophet. The Prophet was described as a mercy to the worlds and he acted with mercy towards others. He forgave his enemies; he did not take revenge from those who attempted to kill him; he even helped during a famine those who had previously fought wars against him. A large number of the companions were opposed to him before they accepted Islam. If the prophet had followed the advice of the later century Muslim scholars, none of these companions would be alive to accept Islam as all might have been beheaded for their insulting attitude toward the Prophet.

Addressing the issue of insults and humiliation the prophet was facing at the hands of his opponents, the Quran says: "We know well that what they say grieves you [Prophet]. It is not you they disbelieve: the evildoers reject God's revelation. Other messengers were disbelieved before you, and they bore their rejection and persecution steadfastly until Our aid arrived no one can alter God's promises" .. [Quran 6:33-34]

Obviously, these messages are not only for the Prophet, but they are applicable to the followers of the Prophet because the Quran reminds the believer that in the character of the Prophet is a great example for them.

A great majority of Muslim scholars and organizations are refusing to acknowledge the relevance of the divine message and the practice of the Prophet in matters like these. They are promoting a course of action that defies the Quran and the Prophet. Rather than educating the masses and channeling their energy for positive actions, they often incite people to violence or revenge or anger or demonstration for every act of insult hurled at the Prophet.

The situation demands an action out of the routine and a new initiative different from what is being offered at present. The initiative can come from Muslim organizations and leadership in the US because of their exposure to a pluralistic society. It is needed because anti- Prophet campaign is on the rise and will continue to grow in the near future.

1. Freedom of expression is an inalienable right of people. People have been given the right to reject, accept, ridicule or honor God and his messenger. No one can coerce them to any action. Even if it is hate speech, it cannot be stopped (of course in the United States, we never follow this principle.) This is an Islamic position and Muslims must never deviate from this position.

2. Let a Muslim organization call a meeting of other Muslim organizations and leaders and develop a detailed response to the issue of violence in the wake of offensive articles or movies or cartoons and take a strong and committed stand against the schools of thought that have promoted the idea of justifying violence against those who ridicule our prophet or religion.

3. Let Muslim groups hold a high level meeting with Christians, Jews and other faiths to collectively develop a code of ethics ensuring respect to each other's religion and dignity. Let us propose to all faiths that the practice of using religion as a tool to settle political differences and conflicts will not be tolerated any more.

4. Let Muslim groups and interfaith councils come together as well as other religious organizations to make it known to each other that they would always take a joint stand against every act of bigotry as one body. It is not Islam versus Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism. It is all religions against those who promote hatred and aggression towards fellow human beings.

5. Let a team of Muslim scholars from USA approach the Muslim world scholars to begin an exchange of ideas on issues such as Islam and America, Islam and the West, Islam and violence etc. Muslim Americans must not project them a shadow of the already existing schools of thoughts in the world, but a new voice rooted in the Quran and the authentic sayings of the Prophet.

6. Let Muslims develop a strategy to approach religious and secular leadership at the grassroots levels to address to their concerns and explain Islam's perspectives on human rights, the others, minorities and religious freedom.

7. Let us critically examine the literature in our books that projects our Prophet in a disrespecting manner and that casts doubt on the nobility of his character.

It is in such times, these initiatives are needed urgently. Otherwise, we would continue to be governed by opinions that many a times contradict the divine guidance and defy nobility of the character of our prophet.

Let us adopt the Prayer of the Prophet in Taif

"O Allah! I open to You my weakness, my scarcity of resources and the humiliation I have been subjected to by the people. O Most Merciful of those who are merciful. O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom have you entrusted me? To a distant person who receives me with hostility? Or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair? So long as You are not angry with me, I do not care. Your favor is of a more expansive relief to me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or Your displeasure descends upon me. I desire Your pleasure and satisfaction until You are pleased. There is no power and no might except by You."

Dr. Aslam Abdullah is editor in chief of the weekly Muslim Observer and director of the Islamic Society of Nevada.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Filmmaker linked to anti-Islam video meets with probation officer

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

The California man believed to be the maker of an anti-Islam film that ignited a firestorm in the Muslim world was cooperative when authorities escorted him to a voluntary interview, officials said Saturday.

"It was all choreographed," said Steve Whitmore of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. "He was ready and willing and very cooperative."The overnight meeting 
with a probation officer came a day after federal officials said they were reviewing the probation of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who was convicted of bank fraud in 2010
 and placed on supervised probation for five years.

Clinton demands Arab Spring nations protect embassies

Federal officials consider Nakoula to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Islam 
"Innocence of Muslims."Whitmore told CNN that Nakoula left the local sheriff's 
station after the federal officials were done interviewing him."He is gone and he
 is free," he said of Nakoula, who was bundled up in a coat, hat and white scarf 
as he was escorted from his house. Nakoula decided to cover himself, Whitmore 

Whitmore earlier dismissed reports that Nakoula had been arrested, saying he was 
never in handcuffs or in custody.Karen Redmond, a spokeswoman for the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, said Friday that Nakoula's federal probation was under review.
Redmond didn't provide details of why or when the probation review was initiated, 
or how long the process would take.While on probation, Nakoula can't access 
computers or any device that can access the Internet without approval from his 
probation officer.

Nakoula served one year in federal prison at Lompoc, California, but officials couldn't immediately determine whether Nakoula paid any of the court-ordered restitution of $794,700, according to probation department officials and court records.

Since notice of the film spread through YouTube, Nakoula has been out of public view
 and ensconced with his family in their home in Cerritos, California, where journalists 
have been gathered seeking information about his elusive background. Cerritos is 
about a 20-mile drive southeast of downtown Los Angeles.

The movie, backed by hardcore anti-Islam groups in the United States, is a
 low-budget project that was ignored in the United States when trailers were posted 
on YouTube in July. But after Egyptian television aired certain segments, violent protests erupted in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Palestinian territories.Violent mobs attacked the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi, 
leaving the ambassador and three other American men dead.

The amateurish film portrays the Prophet Mohammed as a womanizer, buffoon,
 ruthless killer and child molester. Islam categorically forbids any depictions of Mohammed, and blasphemy is an incendiary taboo in the Muslim world.The FBI contacted the 
filmmaker this week because of the potential for threats but he is not under 
investigation, a federal law enforcement official told CNN Thursday.

One of the few public reports about Nakoula emerged this week when he called the 
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Wednesday night to report a disturbance, 
said Whitmore. Nakoula wanted local police to protect him.

When news of his movie first broke, the filmmaker identified himself as Sam Bacile 
and told the Wall Street Journal that he was a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California. He said Jewish donors had financed his film.But Israel's 
Foreign Ministry said there was no record of a Sam Bacile with Israeli citizenship.

A production staff member who worked on the film in its initial stages told CNN that an entirely different name was filed on the paperwork for the Screen Actors Guild: Abenob Nakoula Bassely. A public records search showed an Abanob B. Nakoula residing at the same address as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.

He believed the filmmaker was a Coptic Christian and when the two spoke on the 
phone during production, the filmmaker said he was in Alexandria, Egypt, raising money 
for the film.

Staff and crew of film that ridiculed Muslims say they were 'grossly misled'

In Egypt, tension has emerged in recent decades between Muslims and the minority Copts.Another staffer who worked on the film said he knew the producer as Sam Bassil. That's how he signed a personal check to pay staff.

When CNN inquired about Sam Bassil, the U.S. Attorney's Office sent a copy of a 2009 indictment. Those court documents showed the bank fraud conviction for Nakoula 
Basseley Nakoula.

In his interview with the Wall Street Journal, the filmmaker characterized his movie as "a political effort to call attention to the hypocrisies of Islam.""Islam is a cancer," he said. "The movie is a political movie. It's not a religious movie."

Source: CNN.COM

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Msomi wa Leo - Sheikh Hassan Cisse (1945–2008)

Mzaliwa wa Senegal, na ni Imaam wa International Muslim Community ya Medina Baye, Senegal. Sheikh ni Hafiz wa Qurani, alifundhishwa dini na babu na baba yake, na ana Shahada cha chuo kikuu cha Ain Shams Egypt, kwenye fasihi ya Kiarabu na dini. Ana Masters ya Kiingereza kutoka University of London, na alianza PHD yake marekani, lakini ilibidi aikatishe baba yake alivyofariki, arudi ku ongoza Medina Baye. Alikuwa anaongea, kiarabu, kifaransa, Kizungu, Kihausa na KiWolof. Sheikh, aliandika vitabu vingi vya dini, na alikuwa anafanya kazi nyingi za kuinua jamii ya waislamu Africa Magharibi. Alifariki Dunia mwaka 2008,  Mwenyezi Mungu ailaze roho yake mahali pema peponi.

Msikilize mwenyewe Sheikh anakwambia umuhimu wa Maulid na kumpenda Mtume Mohammed(S.A.W). The video is in English.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Surah of the day - The overthrowing

In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Compassionate

When the sun is wrapped up [in darkness]
And when the stars fall, dispersing,
And when the mountains are removed
And when full-term she-camels are neglected
And when the wild beasts are gathered
And when the seas are filled with flame
And when the souls are paired
And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked
For what sin she was killed
And when the pages are made public
And when the sky is stripped away
And when Hellfire is set ablaze
And when Paradise is brought near,
A soul will [then] know what it has brought [with it].
So I swear by the retreating stars -
Those that run [their courses] and disappear -
And by the night as it closes in
And by the dawn when it breathes
[That] indeed, the Qur'an is a word [conveyed by] a noble messenger
[Who is] possessed of power and with the Owner of the Throne, secure [in position],
Obeyed there [in the heavens] and trustworthy.
And your companion is not [at all] mad.
And he has already seen Gabriel in the clear horizon.
And Muhammad is not a withholder of [knowledge of] the unseen.
And the Qur'an is not the word of a devil, expelled [from the heavens].
So where are you going?
It is not except a reminder to the worlds
For whoever wills among you to take a right course.
And you do not will except that Allah wills - Lord of the worlds.
Quran Chapter 81-Surat At-Takwir(The Overthrowing)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Memorize the Quran by 3?

This 3 year old made my day.Abdul Rehman Farah recites the Quran, says the adhan and some duas. And the way he is reciting it, you can tell he grew up in a house that constantly had the quran CD running or he lived near a mosque, or he had a big brother that he followed to madrasa.

Love how he is even swinging the chair as he recites, its like he is singing a lullaby. May Allah bless him with worldly and religious education. With a kid like this, the sky is the limit, we might be looking at a Hafiz of the Quran and a future Scientist.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Msomi wa Leo - Ismail Musa Menk

Ismail Musa Menk ni mzaliwa wa Zimbabwe.Yeye alifundishwa dini na baba yake. Ni Hafiz wa Qurani na ana cheti cha chuo kikuu cha Medina kwenye kipengele cha Sheria. 
Msikilize mwenyewe Mufti anakupa somo ya Tafsiri ya Al-fatiha (Kifungulio).
Al-fatiha kweli ni surah powerful na ya kipekee. Mufti anakufundisha mpaka unavyo takiwa kuisoma, ina namna yake ati.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

UNESCO fails to protect World Heritage Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania

Is this Development or are we DOOMED? 

Elephants, Rhinos and the environment are under threat from 60 million tons of radioactive waste as World Heritage Committee agrees boundary change that will allow uranium mining at the Tanzania Selous Game Reserve - a World Heritage site.

August 2012. A foreign uranium mining conglomerate will be allowed to exploit the precious Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania after the World Heritage Committee (WHC) decided, at its July 2012 session in Russia, to accept what was described as a "minor boundary change" of the site. The change had been requested by the Government of Tanzania, in order to make way for the development of a major uranium mine, Mkuju River Uranium Project, owned by Russian ARMZ and Canadian Uranium One.

Mkuju River uranium project
The decision to allow the boundary change would allow the Mkuju River uranium project, situated in the South of the Selous Game Reserve at its transition to the Selous Niassa Wildlife Corridor, to go forward. The Tanzanian Government lobbied heavily for the boundary change, after declaring its intent to "win the battle" against the UNESCO WHC.
60 million tons of radioactive and poisonous waste
Dozens of environmental groups around the world, many of them members of the German-based Uranium Network, decried the WHC decision which could lead to the creation of 60 million tons of radioactive and poisonous waste by the mine during its 10-year lifespan (139 million tons if a projected extension of the mine should be implemented). The radioactive wastes pose a serious threat to Selous Game Reserve which is home to the world's largest elephant population and other wildlife. No proven methods exist to keep the radioactive and toxic slush and liquids from seeping into surface waters, aquifers or spreading with the dry season wind into the Reserve.
It remains completely unclear how the company or the Government of Tanzania will guarantee that the impact of millions of tons of radioactive and toxic waste will be "limited". The WHC decision appears to be influenced by heavy corporate and government lobbying and not by sound science. It sets a horrible precedent that could threaten other World Heritage Sites with similar dangerous and damaging exploitation.
The decision is in stark contrast to previous decisions of the WHC of 2011 stating that mining activities would be incompatible with the status of Selous Game Reserve a World Heritage site.

The environmental groups question whether WHC members have fully understood and given adequate attention to the implications of a uranium mine - including diesel generators, uranium mill, housing, heavy truck roads, as well as the creation of millions of tons of radioactive and toxic waste which should be contained safely and separate from the environment for thousands of years.

Uranium mining
Uranium mining creates radioactive dust, contaminates waterways and groundwater aquifers and depletes often precious water supplies. Once abandoned, the radioactive contamination from the mines can persist for decades or even hundreds of years.

The WHC's decision was made at a time when Russia was chairing the WHC session in St. Petersburg, Russia; Mkuju River uranium project - which basically lives or dies with the decision on the boundary change - is majority owned by Russian ARMZ, a subsidiary of ROSATOM - who bought it from Australian Mantra Resources earlier in 2012.
The environmental groups urge the World Heritage Committee to reconsider its decision on the Selous Game Reserve Boundary Change and call upon the Government of Tanzania to refrain from licensing a uranium mine in Selous Game Reserve or on lands cut out from it.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Imam's Killing Causes Riots in Mombasa Kenya

This is what's happening next door.

MOMBASA – The killing of a Muslim imam accused by the United States of terror links triggered deadly riots in Kenya’s main port city of Mombasa on Monday, August 27.
"There is chaos in town now, and our officers are on the ground dispersing the rioters to maintain peace," regional police chief Aggrey Adoli told Agence France-Presse (AFP).
"They are demonstrating against the killing of Aboud Rogo, who was shot by unknown people."

Imam Aboud Rogo Mohammed was shot dead Monday by unknown gunmen while driving his wife to a hospital in Mombasa
Imam Aboud Rogo Mohammed was shot dead Monday by unknown gunmen while driving his wife to hospital in Mombasa.
"A car behind us aimed at my husband, they shot him on the right side," said his widow Haniya Said, screaming in grief."He died as we rushed him to hospital. Why have they killed my dear husband?"
The news of the imam’s death triggered deadly riots across the city, leaving one person dead.
"One person has been killed, he was slashed to death during the protests," regional police chief Aggrey Adoli told Agence France-Presse (AFP).
Cars were set on fire and at least four churches were attacked.
"The whole city is on fire, there are looters in the streets, cars have been damaged, some have been burnt," said Francis Auma, from the local organization Muslims for Human Rights.
Kenyan police fired rubber bullets and teargas to disperse the protestors in Mombasa, Kenya's main port city and a popular tourist destination.
Rogo is accused by Washington of advocating radicalization and recruitment for the militant Somali group Al-Shabaab, which has been fighting to unseat the UN-backed transitional government.
The United Nations Security Council placed a travel ban and asset freeze on the imam in July, saying he had provided "financial, material, logistical or technical support to Al-Shabaab".
Angry protestors accused the Kenyan police of masterminding the imam’s killing.
"These are police who have killed our innocent Sheikh. They have shot him dead,” Suleiman Athman, a young Muslim protestor, told Reuters.
“They imposed on him terrorism charges, arrested and charged him, now they fear the court will release him, and have decided to end his life.
"It's an attack on Muslims, and we will not take it lightly."
The imam was arrested by Kenyan police in January after seizing arms with him, but he was later released on bail.
Rogo was previously acquitted of the 2002 bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel near Mombasa which killed 15 people.
The local Muslim Human Rights Forum condemned the imam’s killing, saying it "mirrors" the recent killings or disappearance of others "on the country's terrorism watch list".
The Muslim Youth Center (MYC) vowed to pursue the path of the slain imam.
"We are on the right track when our leaders get shahadah (martyrdom)," MYC leader Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali said in a message on Twitter.
"He will remain in our hearts forever.”
There are nearly ten million Muslims in Kenya, which has a population of 36 million.
Muslims make up nearly 98 percent of the communities of the North Eastern Province.
